Cannabidiol, or CBD, has been growing in popularity worldwide. CBD contains the healing power of the cannabis plant without the high. Many are claiming that CBD oils can help with everything from sleeplessness to cancer. The marijuana type of cannabis is different from the hemp type of cannabis which has been used for fiber and food for thousands of years.
Ancient Plant with Many Uses
Cannabis is one of the most ancient types of cultivated plants and was used for fiber, food, paper, clothing, and medicines. There are thousands of modern uses for this versatile plant including, thermal insulation, composite materials to use in cars, replacement for molded plastics, and specialty paper. We are also using hemp for fuel for not only humans but automobiles. The hemp plant also has the power to remove heavy metals from soil and make the soil better able to support other kinds of crops.
Some experts claim that CBD oil can help inflammation, eczema, migraines, menstrual cramps, arthritis, bursitis, seizures, digestive issues, depression, anxiety, obesity, and even cancer. One of the fastest developing categories in this new world is CBD skincare products.
There are bath bombs, soaking salts, soaps, lotions salves, lip balms, facial serums, sleep masks, and butters. Although we can’t back up the claims that CBD products are everything that they claim to be, we are very excited to see them coming to our vending machines. CBD vending is a new trend and can be a great new avenue to try for your vending business.
Selling CBD Products in a Vending Machine?
Why would you want to sell CBD products in a vending machine? Well, when you go to a department store or a jeweler, the most expensive items are behind the glass counter and you have to get assistance from a sales representative to see them. Most CBD products have a big price-tag and you wouldn’t want those items being pocketed by customers if they are just loose on the shelves. Having them behind the glass of a vending machine would keep them safe from thieves.
Vending machines can also be temperature controlled if needed to maintain the freshness of any of your items. It makes sense to vend your CBD products with a machine to make the process easy for your customers. It’s like adding a Self-Checkout lane and people love the ease and speed of a quick checkout.
Is CBD Legal?
One of the biggest questions you may have before selling CBD oil in your vending machines is, “Is it legal?” The 2018 Farm Bill legalized the production and sale of hemp and its extracts. Hemp is a similar plant to marijuana without all the psychoactive properties of THC. Hemp, by federal law, cannot contain more than 0.3 percent THC (tetrahydrocannabinol). Anything with more THC is classified as marijuana, is considered a schedule 1 drug by the Drug Enforcement Administration and is federally illegal.
Purchasing CBD is federally legal as long as it doesn’t contain more than 0.3% THC. Certain states have put restrictions on purchasers, so you will need to double check the laws for your state should you decide to sell CBD products from a vending machine in your area.
Having this form of CBD legal will allow for more research to be done on the subject of cannabidiol. This additional research is something that several state laws are requiring before legalizing the use in their states. The sale of CBD Oil and products made from it are regulated now by the FDA. They have their hands full trying to verify the safety and dosage for these chemical compounds. They urge caution in using any off-the-shelf CBD products as there are not safeguards in place to assure the extraction process is free from any harmful chemicals.
If your supplier makes a mistake, it might taint your CBD with THC — a consequence that can be problematic if your job randomly drug tests. Poor extractions can also leave behind the chemical solvents, which is hazardous in the case of butane, or even pesticides. You’ll want to be vigilant about the testing of any products you sell to customers from your vending machines.
What do we have to offer?
Here at The Discount Vending Store, we have designed a vending machine with CBD products in mind. With the options to customize the shelves to dispense the various packaging for your oils, tinctures, lotions, and balms, you will be able to vend nearly any CBD product. The glass front of the machine allows for a clear view of all your products. Our Omni Series vending machines have an elevator delivery system which carefully lowers your product down whereas standard machines allow the products to drop.
You can add your logo to our standard wrap design or we can help you create a custom design for your machine which would match your branding and style. The vending machine can accept cash, coin and any cashless payments from your customers. You will also have remote inventory management with alerts coming right to your smart phone. Vending your CBD products couldn’t be easier. Give us a call today to learn more.
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Order your custom OMNI Healthy vending machines today! Be the first in the industry to own these ground-breaking smart Healthy vending machines.Featured Posts
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